Contest Theme
The Trails of the Past photo contest aims to illustrate how the undergrowth of the Gault Nature Reserve’s hiking trails has evolved, highlighting the changes caused by the ecological impact of the overpopulation of white-tailed deer.
Participation Rules
Eligibility: The contest is open to all individuals aged 18 and older. Minors may participate with written consent from a parent or guardian.
Eligible photos:
- Photos must have been taken on the trails of the Gault Nature Reserve (Mont Saint-Hilaire, QC).
- Photos must be over 10 years old (preferably with an approximate date provided).
- Only digital photos or scanned prints are accepted.
- Photos must not be retouched in a way that alters the natural environment.
- Participants must be the original authors of the submitted photos.
- By entering, participants consent to the non-commercial use of their photos by the Gault Nature Reserve for the purposes of an exhibition, a conference, or awareness materials (with credit).
- Submissions: January 9 to March 31, 2025.
- Evaluation: A jury composed of ecologists, photographers, and staff of the Gault Nature Reserve will evaluate the photos based on their relevance, quality, and ability to illustrate changes in the undergrowth.
- Winner Announcements: Results will be revealed during a vernissage in spring 2025, accompanied by a conference on the ecological impact of white-tailed deer.
- Grand Prize: An annual card and five daily passes for guests.
- Category Prizes (“Best Composition,” “Oldest Photo,” “Clearest Ecological Impact”): An annual card.
- Selected photos will be displayed at the Gault Nature Reserve in summer 2025.
Submission Guidelines
How to participate: Send your photos and information by email to before March 31, 2025.
Your email must include:
- Your full name, age, and contact information (email or phone).
- A description for each photo submitted: Title or caption, location (trail or sector), approximative date, context or relevant details (optional).
- Photos attached as files (JPEG/PNG).